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    Work, TV, Exercise

    By Derek | October 16, 2019

    A good Wednesday. (16th)

    Regular workday for me. 

    Physical therapy after my first morning meeting. Went well. 

    Back at work, got some work done on my primary project. 

    Attended our secondary project standup, afterwards my boss asked me to split my time during the week. 

    Previously, I was asked to work my primary projects Wed, Thu, and Sat, and my secondary project on Friday.

    This was difficult, as the secondary project, documentation, is very collaborative. Most of the other people on the project don’t do much on it Friday. So, my boss asked me to instead of do a full day on Friday, so two ½ days on Wed/Thu. I think this will work out better, and will give me Fridays back for my primary project. 

    Finished up for the day, then ran my neighbors laptop back over to them so they can get back on it. Sat and chatted with them for a bit about computers, work and life in general. 

    Watched a couple of Agents of Shield, season 4.

    Exercised late today. I prefer exercising in the morning, except when I have PT that day.

    (Visited 24 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Health, Me, Microsoft, Technology, TV, Work | No Comments »


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