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    Work, TV, Laundry, Snubbull, Movie

    By Derek | May 9, 2020

    A good Saturday. (9th)

    Regular work day. Pretty quiet day, which is good.

    Watched an episode of Marvel’s Luke Cage, still working on season 2. 

    Did some laundry today, while I was working.

    Had some leftover spaghetti for lunch, still great. 

    Played a little bit of Pokemon during the Timed Snubble Event today. I did manage to get a couple of Shiny Snubbulls! I upgraded one of the best ones.

    Shiny Snubbull => Shiny Granbull

    Jill went to Tractor Supply with her sister. 

    Did left over spaghetti again for dinner. 

    Exercised late.

    Watched Ponyo with the family, before bed. Interesting movie. It’s not bad, but it’s certainly not my favorite Miyazaki. 

    (Visited 265 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Games, Me, Movies, TV, Work | No Comments »


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