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    Happy Father’s Day!

    By Derek | June 16, 2007

    DerekI’ve started seriously working on losing weight.

    A week ago Thursday, I hired a nutritionist and a personal fitness trainer to help me lose weight. So far it’s going really well. I’ve lost almost 10 pounds this first week.

    My nutritionist (Jan Tilley) has me on a strict day-by-day diet. It’s an 8 week program. We started out on a 2000 calorie diet, which, according to my food log is less than I had been eating. Still, I feel full, and I get three snacks a day, in between meals. Because I have the meal list, I don’t have to count calories, I get to buy normal food, etc.

    Jan had me go to the doctor, and get my “labs” done as part of her program. All of my numbers came back healthy, with only a few on the bad side. That’s as I expected, since most of the time I feel healthy, I just know I’m overweight.

    My fitness trainer (Pamela Painter) came to my house on Saturday, and taught me how to do my beginner routine. So far it’s some simple cardio, a bit of upper body weight lifting, and a couple of simple stretches. Still, it’s somewhat difficult for me, since I’m so out of shape.

    My nutritionists’ website is here:

    and my fitness trainers is here:

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