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Slept, Health, Customer, Chiptunes, Office, Movie
By Derek | March 30, 2020
A good Monday. (30th)
Slept in. When I got up, I exercised first thing. Still staying on that every day, regardless of if I do it in the morning or not. Currently, my streak is since Sept. 29th of last year. I broke my current exercise streak when I hurt myself and needed surgery, but it was Jan 1st – July 22nd.
Helped out a customer via iMessage, she had a very simple question.
If you’re a fan of either metal or chiptunes (or both), or just need some MSDOS nostalgia, check out Master Boot Record at Bandcamp. I went ahead and bought the Floppy Disk Overdrive digital album.
I worked on cleaning my office. I got some good progress made on my closet.
We took our older son to work, Then came home and our younger son and I played some Star Citizen.
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We went and picked up our older son from work, then came home and watched The Karate Kid II. I remembered it being good, but now that I’ve watched it again, I actually remembered that I liked it even better than the first one.
Time for bed.
Topics: Entertainment, Family, Games, Health, Me, Microsoft, Movies, Music, Star Citizen, Technology | No Comments »
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