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    Work, TV, Costco, Health, Delivery, Vex

    By Derek | May 8, 2020

    A good Friday. (8th)

    Regular work day for me. Got a good bit or work done. 

    Watched a few episodes of Marvel’s Luke Cage, working on season 2.

    Jill had to go to Costco to fill up the car, so she went ahead and stopped into the store and got some essentials. 

    Exercised after work, watched Rick & Morty, season 4, episode 1. It’s just as crazy as previous seasons. 

    Jill made some great spaghetti for dinner. 

    Ordered two Blasts and a milkshake from Sonic, using DoorDash. Our order was $26 and some change, where $11 was the total of our desserts. Ouch. This is why we don’t do that much. 

    We checked out Vex VR for a bit, just to ensure that it’s working. Our younger son will be starting lessons on it next week. 

    Time for bed.

    (Visited 196 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Health, Me, Robotics, Technology, TV, Work | No Comments »


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