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    Apple Doesn’t Have A High Opinion Of Windows

    By Derek | October 31, 2007

    ApplesOpinionOK, so I was zipping around Leopard this evening, and I noticed that Apple doesn’t really have a high opinion of Microsoft’s Windows.

    I mean, who can blame them, it took Microsoft 20 years (1985-2005) to finally make a stable version of Windows, and now they’ve gone and replaced it with “ME Version 2” otherwise known as “Vista”.

    Anyways, if you’re running Leopard, Mac OS X 10.5 you can see your “Shared” computers on the sidebar of your Finder. Mac computers show up with a Light Blue Apple Looking ™ icon, and Windows computers show up with a Dark Blue icon.

    However, if you examine the icons closely, you’ll notice that the Windows icon actually shows an old-style CRT monitor with a Windows 98 style “Blue Screen” or crash screen!!


    Here’s a few pictures, so that you can see what I’m babbling about:

    You can see the difference between the top system “melchior” a Linux-based SMB (Windows) file server, and the two bottom ones, that are Macintosh computers.

    If you do a “Get Info” (the equivalent of Properties, in Windows) on the Mac computers, you see a nice shiny Apple LCD screen, with the “Tiger” background on it. It just so happens that these two Macs are actually running Tiger… I can’t wait to see if the background changes when they run Leopard, in a week or so.

    On the other hand, a Get Info on the “PC” server clearly shows a Windows 98 style “blue screen of death”. Zoom in if you have to. Very nice!

    I can’t imagine that this will stay around too long, as Microsoft is one of Apple’s largest partners. Either way, I’m sure it’s “all in fun”.


    (Visited 33 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Apple, Me, Microsoft | 2 Comments »

    2 Responses to “Apple Doesn’t Have A High Opinion Of Windows”

    1. Apple Blog » Apple Doesn’t Have A High Opinion Of Windows Says:
      October 31st, 2007 at 2:58

      […] DereksBlahg.net placed an observative post today on Apple Doesn’t Have A High Opinion Of WindowsHere’s a quick excerpt [ ApplesOpinion]OK, so I was zipping around Leopard this evening, and I noticed that Apple doesn’t really have a high opinion of Microsoft’s Windows. I mean … . Mac computers show up with a Light Blue Apple Looking â„¢ icon, and Windows computers show […]

    2. icon » Apple Doesn’t Have A High Opinion Of Windows Says:
      October 31st, 2007 at 21:08

      […] Read the rest of this great post here […]


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