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    DnD 4e

    By Derek | July 19, 2008

    Last night my friend David came over, and we made Dungeons and Dragons 4e characters.

    He had already made one, so he kinda knew the drill, but it was my first one.

    We also helped my son, Austin, make one, too.

    I created a male Eladrin Wizard named Valaar. Austin made a male Dragonborn Warlord. David made a female Halfling Cleric.

    I really like the mechanic so far, it seems to streamline many things, while leaving the general “feel” of the game intact.

    I’ve played DnD since middle school, before AD&D 2nd Edition was released, and it’s nice to see the progression.

    Of course, it’s been years since I stopped playing, at this point. We’re trying to get a game together for Friday (or maybe every other Friday) nights.

    Anyone in?

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