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    By Derek | September 3, 2007

    DerekToday is my wife’s birthday. She’s celebrating her 29th anniversary again. Not really, but it sounded funny to me.

    I won’t tell you how old she is, only that she’s about 5 years younger than I am. 🙂

    We went to my parent’s house for dinner & cake, and we brought the ice cream. Dinner was barbecue brisket, barbecued sausage, grilled veggies and fruit salad. Yum!
    My youngest sister was there, too. We hadn’t gotten to see her in a few weeks. Her roommate came over, too. So did my brother Vincent’s ex- and her two boys.

    It was a good time. My sister made her guacamole sauce recipe, and we pretty much filled up on that (and chips) before dinner.

    iLife08 Guided TourAfter dinner my dad and I went to Wal-Mart and got a DVI-HDMI cable to hook my laptop up to his TV, and when we got back I showed everyone the new 20 minute iLife ’08 guided tour. I then showed them a couple of cool things that the new Numbers spreadsheet could do.
    It made a good impression on both my sister and her roommate, and I think even my Dad was somewhat impressed.

    My sister has been looking at getting a new laptop for college anyway, and we’ve talked about a Mac before, and she’d even used them a semester or two in school, but man, she was ready to buy one tonight. I’m going to help her custom configure one that will fit her needs.

    I think her roommate wants one, now, too but she’s not ready for a new computer just yet.

    I really need to get on commission with Apple. 🙂

    We ordered the Family Pack of iLife 08 as soon as I knew it was out, so we already have it on all of our computers, but I held off ordering the Family Pack of iWork 08 until I had some time to play with the trial some. It’s got a lot of really neat features. I’m considering using it for my next big project, instead of NeoOffice (which is OpenOffice for the Mac).

    (Visited 24 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Apple, Family | 2 Comments »

    2 Responses to “Birthday”

    1. Jenn Says:
      September 3rd, 2007 at 22:48

      I came home and bought one this same evening. it’s about damn time!

    2. Derek Says:
      September 3rd, 2007 at 23:47

      Yes. Yes it is.

      Let me know when it comes in, I’ll come over and help you set it up.


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