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    More Thoughts On AppleCare, Or At Least, Apple Support

    By Derek | November 26, 2007

    Apple PowerBook 15You may recall that my brother and I talked about his wife’s MacBook, and it’s bad battery. If not, read this before you read the rest of this post.

    So, anyway, he was worried about having to buy a new battery. It’s kind of a bummer, but what do you do, if you haven’t bought AppleCare?

    Well, I suggested that he go down to our Apple Store, since he was in town for a few days, over Thanksgiving.

    Oh, BTW, Happy (belated) Turkey Day!

    The guys at the Apple Store, who are usually pretty good, basically told him that since he hadn’t registered the MacBook, they couldn’t even look it up! And if it wasn’t in their system, they couldn’t help him.

    So he decided to come home and register it. Of course, after registering, it showed as “out of warranty” — he knew it was pretty close, and most likely over a year old. Close indeed.

    He left San Antonio late Saturday night, to travel back home, and today I got an interesting email from him:

    “I cannot believe it!

    Apple is going to send me a free replacement battery for [my wife’s] Macbook. Only 15 minuets [sic] on the phone – troubleshooting the steps, and they confirmed that even though I am exactly 62 days past my warranty they will replace it for free. I am stunned.

    Much thanks to Elroy at Mac Support…”

    Awesome! He then went on to tell me that he had researched it, and J&R Electronics had the lowest price on the battery, and he was just about to click “Buy” when he decided to call Apple’s Support line.

    I know he’s glad he did… once again, Apple Support comes through. Tell me how often Dell, HP or Gateway would do this for you.

    (Visited 62 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Apple, Family | 1 Comment »

    One Response to “More Thoughts On AppleCare, Or At Least, Apple Support”

    1. Thoughts On AppleCare | DereksBlahg.net Says:
      December 3rd, 2007 at 0:33

      […] More Thoughts On AppleCare, Or At Least, Apple Support […]


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