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    Knight Rider, iPad Air3

    By Derek | August 22, 2019

    A good Thursday. 

    Spent some time in the afternoon watching TV with my younger son. We’re still watching the original Knight Rider season 1. 

    More Agents of Shield season 2 after that. Lots going on this season, almost too much. Looking at the MCU timeline, it looks like I need to watch Daredevil season 1 after AoS#2 wraps up. It’ll be a good break. 

    My son’s new iPad came in today, and we got it all set up. It’s an Air3, and _so_ much faster than his old one. He’s very happy with it. Jill and I got him an Otterbox Defender case to go with it. His old one came out of a Defender, and still looks brand new. 

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    Topics: Apple, Entertainment, Family, Me, Technology, TV | No Comments »


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