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    Doc, Brawlhalla, Win10

    By Derek | August 28, 2019

    A good Wednesday. 

    Had my 2nd post-op doctor appointment. Doc says I don’t have to bandage my wound anymore. So that’s definitely a good thing. 

    Played a bunch of Switch demos that I had downloaded with my younger son. Then we moved over to Brawlhalla and played that for a few hours. Once we got tired of that, we played Burnout Paradise on X360. I think between myself and my two sons, we easily have over 500 hours in that game. 

    I helped our family friend wipe his laptop of Chinese Windows 10, in favor of US Windows 10. Actually started that yesterday, with a secure wipe of the spinny disk in the laptop, and then booted to Linux USB to wipe the m.2 SSD in the laptop, and install Win10. Running Unigine Heaven benchmarks on it, to see where it sits, speed-wise, it’s a pretty beefy laptop. 

    (Visited 16 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Games, Health, Me, Microsoft, Technology | No Comments »


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