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    MCU, ReelGood

    By Derek | August 29, 2019

    A good Thursday. (29th) 

    Finished Daredevil season 1. 

    Still intent on watching the MCU shows in chronological order, per https://www.inverse.com/article/32661-marvel-movies-order-mcu-timeline … so, I started Jessica Jones season 1. 

    Also, using the ReelGood.com app to track my TV and movie watching. It’s neat. 

    Got a great get well card today, signed by all my friends at work. Very cool! 

    Jessica Jones season 1 is long, didn’t finish it today, I have a few episodes left. 

    (Visited 39 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Friends, Health, Me, Technology, TV | No Comments »


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