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    Loafing, Music, MUA3

    By Derek | September 2, 2019

    A good Monday. (2nd)

    Holiday for most everyone else. Glad y’all joined me in loafing. ?
    w00t! Apple has recognized me as the “manager” of Digital Penguins, my one-man band. Give it a listen, if you haven’t. https://music.apple.com/us/album/the-first-album/1328491670

    Watched a bit more of Daredevil s2 today. 

    Played Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 with my younger son and our family friend for several (more) hours today. We nearly had all six infinity stones.

    Noticed that I walked across the house once without my walker. Didn’t even realize it, until I went to go back, and found my walker not there. It’s good, I mean, I’ve been practicing, so yeah! 

    Went to our nieces house in the evening to hang out.

    (Visited 29 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Digital Penguins, Entertainment, Family, Friends, Games, Health, Me, Music, TV | No Comments »


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