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    Wife’s B-Day, Frito Pie, Mexican

    By Derek | September 3, 2019

    A good Tuesday. (3rd)

    Was my wife’s birthday. We went to eat our normal Tuesday lunch, BBQ Frito Pie. I split mine with our family friend, since I can’t eat a whole one anymore. That’s a good thing, right? 

    After lunch, another friend joined us, and we (myself, younger son, and two family friends) played 4 player Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 for a couple of hours. That was completely awesome. So much fun learning the characters “synergy” moves with the other characters. 

    For dinner, we took my wife out to her favorite Mexican restaurant. Was a good time. 

    Once we got back, we (two family friends and I) played Mortal Kombat 11 on his gaming PC with two XBox 360 controllers. Very cool. I’ve never followed the MK series, but the graphics are very good, and of course, the fatalities are amazing. We played a bunch of 1v1 local, then tried a bit of online, got owned and decided to play some Story mode. It’s got a decent story, so far. 

    Going To bed “early” as I have work first thing in the morning. I’ll be WFH for the first 3 weeks, then pending doctor’s orders, allowed to go back in. 

    (Visited 30 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Friends, Games, Me, Work | No Comments »


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