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    Apple, Frito Pie, Robotics, RackerGamers

    By Derek | September 10, 2019

    A good Tuesday. (10)

    Went to bed too late last night, so got up late. Watched much of the Apple Event before leaving the house for our weekly Tuesday lunch. 

    New iPhones, new Watches and an updated iPad were announced, as well as clarifications & pricing on a couple of new services from Apple — AppleTV+ (tv shows & movies made by Apple Studios) and Apple Arcade (monthly sub for 100+ iOS, iPad, AppleTV & Mac games). Neat. Yep, I’m that guy who still gets excited by Apple Keynotes. 

    Lunch: BBQ Frito Pie. Yum. 

    This afternoon our weekly robotics club met for the first time this season. We had some good interest from a couple of new families. 

    After that, no stopping, rolled right into our irregularly scheduled RackerGamers board meeting this evening. Got some good stuff done, including working out a few first steps towards our annual Game Day (Nov 2nd). 

    Was nearly ready for bed, but had to play a couple of rounds of Apex. 

    Got around pretty well today, even navigated the stairs three or four times. It’s getting easier. 

    (Visited 29 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Apple, Entertainment, Food, Games, Health, Me, RackerGamers, Robotics, Technology | No Comments »


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