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    Work, RackerGamers, TV

    By Derek | September 12, 2019

    A good Thursday. (12th)

    Today is one month since my surgery. 

    Regular work day. Getting spun back up on the main project I was working on before I went out for surgery. Also getting spun back up on the secondary part-time project I was working on before. 

    Worked on several things for RackerGamers today, ordering some custom dice to sell as swag and getting the new t-shirts for Game Day (Nov2) quoted and purchased.

    Got to watch a couple more episodes of Daredevil season 2, of course it took me ~5 hours to watch them, cause I tried to watch them during work… 

    Let the kids play Xbox 360 once I got off work, so I could go in my office and play Apex Legends. Played a few rounds as Wraith, then switched to Gibraltar, so I can start learning a second.

    (Visited 13 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Games, Health, Me, RackerGamers, TV, Work | No Comments »


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