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    Core Values, TV, iOS 13

    By Derek | September 19, 2019

    Just realized I forgot to post yesterday’s update. Sorry!

    A good Thursday. (19th)

    Regular work day. Rackspace announced their new Core Values today. They are a distillation and simplification of the previous set of Core Values. I think it’s a good step forward. 

    Today, I learned that the Sony PS4 doesn’t support 5GHz wireless. That’s awful. I guess Sony assumes you’re going to plug it into ethernet? For the record, the XBox One supports 5GHz wireless. I am disappoint. (Sources: PS4: https://www.ign.com/wikis/playstation-4/PlayStation_4_Hardware_Specs  XBox One (first edition): https://www.ign.com/wikis/xbox-one/Xbox_One_Hardware_Specs )

    Watched a bit more Agents of Shield season 3 today. 

    Upgraded my iPhoneX to iOS 13 today. Smooth as silk, and dark mode is very nice. Many apps already had it, but now they follow the system settings instead. Neat. 

    Our nieces’ kids got to play some Epic Mickey 2 (two player) on XBox360 today. I think they liked it. I keep forgetting that I need to by some wireless Wii or WiiU controllers for my WiiU. I have Mario Kart 8 on there (latest) but not any extra controllers for it. I think they’d have a blast with it. XBox360 gets the most use because we have a ton of controllers for it. 

    (Visited 15 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Apple, Entertainment, Family, Games, Me, Nintendo, Technology, TV, Work | No Comments »


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