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    Busy Day, ContentID

    By Derek | September 30, 2019

    A good Monday. (30th)

    Woke up early to go downtown to take care of some stuff. Was down there for quite a bit longer than we anticipated, but we got all of our errands run. 

    Got home just in time for the delivery of our RackerGamer Game Day shirts for this year. They look great. 

    Worked a bit on getting a new website set up. It’s coming along. Still needs more content ( https://versahomeschool.org ). It’s a club for home schoolers in the San Antonio area to promote STEAM. 

    Shortly thereafter, our family friend got here from out of town, he’ll probably be staying with us a few days. 

    I talked him into doing ExtraLife with us this year. He’s working to get himself set up as a streamer, so I figured this might help. Plus, it’ll be tons of fun! 

    I also gave him permission to use music off my album ( https://digitalpenguins.info ) for his streams, and to put in the background of his YT videos. He’ll give me credit, so I’ll get a little exposure there, too. 

    Turns out, if I _don’t_ register my music with Google’s “ContentID” anyone can use it in their videos. Hopefully, they’d remember to give me credit as well. The bad news is this: if I want to allow my friend to use it, but I _do_ register it with ContentID, I will get 80% of the resulting advertising money, rather than my friend who created the video. As an artist that’s created music, even I know that’s crap. Why not 50/50 with the video creator, of it’s original content? Man, the music industry “runs this town” don’t they?

    After that I looked up some job postings at work to help a friend that’s ready for a change. Not sure if anything I found will help them, but you never know. 

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    Topics: ExtraLife, Friends, Law, Me, Music, Work | No Comments »


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