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    Early AM, Work, Movies

    By Derek | October 19, 2019

    Saturday. (19th)

    Got woke up around 4am. Younger son wasn’t feeling well, but also, one of our dogs pooped on the carpet. They were both at the vet yesterday, for their annual checkups, and I think Athena still isn’t feeling well. They both came home kind of groggy from the anesthesia. Went back to bed.

    Regular work day for me. No morning exercise as I got up late from being woken up in the middle of the night. I’ll have to exercise after work tonight. 

    Working on my primary project, prepping host servers for firmware upgrades. 

    Watched a couple of movies with Jill before bed. 

    (Visited 39 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Me, Movies, Work | No Comments »


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