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    Exercise, BBQ, Robotics, Martial Arts, Dryer

    By Derek | November 19, 2019

    A productive Tuesday. (19th)

    Got up kind of late, but exercised first thing. 

    Lunch, then Robotics.

    The kids decided to skip Wonder League today, due to the fact that we have a Vex competition coming up soon, and they need more time building on their robots. 

    Martial arts for our younger son. 

    Once we got back from that, our friend and I worked on converting our “new” dryer from a rear vent to a side vent. Had to go to Lowe’s and get a chisel. Forgot to buy duct tape while we were there and had to go to Walmart to get some. Lowe’s had already closed or we would have gone back, as they are closer. 

    Side vent success!

    Pulled the old dryer out, and slid the new dryer into place. Plugs in perfectly and fires up. The side vent slots right into the wall. As this wasn’t a new dryer for us, it was pre-owned, it had a bunch of dryer lint down in the trap that we had to scoop out. It’s filter is in the bottom front inside, but below the door.

    Also, the door points the wrong way for the room we have it in. Reversing the door looks like a project for another day.

    Time for bed, I have work & physical therapy tomorrow. 

    (Visited 30 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Friends, Health, Home Improvement, Me, Photos, Robotics, Technology | No Comments »


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