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    Blade Runner, PT, Work, MIB

    By Derek | November 20, 2019

    A good Wednesday. (20th)

    Today was Blade Runner day. Today is the day the original 1982 movie takes place in the future. Welcome to THE FUTURE everyone! Wait. Dang it. 

    Physical therapy. After PT came home and ate some biscuits and gravy for lunch that Jill made. Yummy!

    Regular workday for me. Got quite a bit done on my secondary documentation project.

    After work, worked on my Plex server a bit, and then watched MIB. I know, right? MIB on Blade Runner day.  Weird.

    Time for bed. 

    (Visited 29 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Health, Me, Movies, Work | No Comments »


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