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Errands, Pokemon, Star Wars, Lights
By Derek | December 23, 2019
A good Monday. (23rd)
Got up only a bit later than usual. Jill had some errands to run, and she wanted to hang out with her sister a bit and play some Pokemon Go.
Worked on reviewing some bylaws for the non-profit that my wife and I are working on starting. More about this to come later.
Played & streamed a bit of Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. The streamed videos are saved in my YouTube playlist called “Playthroughs“.

Took the family to look at Christmas lights in Windcrest. Tons of traffic, but some really pretty lights. We need to do a carriage ride next year, would probably be way less stressful. Of course, the carriage rides are $25/person, with kids under 10 $5, and kids under 6 free. Our youngest is 11 (almost 12).
Had to visit a customer late, one of the churches I support, as they had a video issue that one of their staff was trying to wrangle for tomorrow’s Christmas Eve ceremony. Took only a bit to figure out the issue.
Came home. Played & streamed some more Jedi Fallen Order before bed. Went to bed too late.
Topics: Auto, Entertainment, Family, Games, Me, Microsoft, Photos, Technology | No Comments »
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