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Christmas 2019!
By Derek | December 25, 2019
A great Christmas Day! (25th)
Woke up a bit late, had Christmas morning. Good stuff all ‘round, I received a new Switch game Link’s Awakening, thanks, Jill!

Picked up our older son, Austin, he opened his presents, and then we hung out with him for most of the day.
He brought his XBox One over, but we discovered that he doesn’t have really any of the same multiplayer games that I have. We just have different game styles.
Our younger son spent some of his Christmas XBox money on our older son, and he was able to get Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition for XBox One… it was about $50. We had hoped to play multiplayer, cross platform, which is supposed to be one of the features of the Enhanced Edition. However, multiplayer for XBox One is “coming soon” — maybe January?
Either way, we had a good time hanging out, and Jill’s stepmom Judy even stopped by for a bit.
Once we took Austin home, I came back and played my new Switch game (see above) for several hours. I hadn’t played the original, so it’s all new to me.
Time for bed!
Topics: Entertainment, Family, Games, Me, Microsoft, Nintendo, Technology | No Comments »
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