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    Exercise, TV, Pokemon

    By Derek | January 2, 2020

    A good Thursday. (2nd)

    Exercised first thing. 

    Regular work day for me, first day back after ~2 weeks out. Spent most of the day working on email and immediate issues. 

    Watched the final episode of Danger 5 season 1. 

    Finished Skyland with my younger son, and started watching Star Wars Rebels season 4 with him. 

    Got out of the house for a bit to run some errands, and play a bit of Pokemon Go. 

    Watched the first (double) episode of Knight Rider  season 2 with my younger son.

    (Visited 20 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Games, Health, Me, Nintendo, TV, Work | No Comments »


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