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Work, Instant Pot, TV
By Derek | January 9, 2020
A good Thursday. (9th)
Got up too late to exercise this morning, I’ll have to squeeze it in later.
Regular work day for me. Worked on both my primary product, and my secondary documentation project.
In between waiting for hosts to do stuff, added a bunch of Instant Pot recipes to my collection. Basically, I saved a bunch of PDFs from https://recipes.instantpot.com into my Evernote.

Watched part of episode 2 of For All Mankind with Jill, until she had to leave to run some errands.
Started watching The Witcher today. Got through the first two episodes. Great fight scenes, although the series is starting a bit slow. I was warned it would.
Watched a little bit of a buddy of mine streaming Elite Dangerous.
Got my exercise around 10pm, then went to put my car in the garage at work, in case we got hail overnight.
Topics: Auto, Entertainment, Family, Food, Health, Me, Photos, TV, Work | No Comments »
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