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    Health, Work, Subscribe, Picard

    By Derek | January 29, 2020

    Sad Wednesday. (29th)

    Got up first thing and did my exercise. Did 40 minutes, again, still working to earn that custom Apple Watch challenge for January.

    Regular work day for me. Normally, today would be my one day a week in the office, but the company I work for has changed their liberal WFH policy. Well, changed as in effectively rescinded. Starting Feb 1st, all employees are expected to be at their desks during their work day, no exceptions. I can’t wait until flu season. Yay. 

    Jill found out that one of the guys who works at our local BBQ joint has pancreatic cancer ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancreatic_cancer ). It has a very low survival rate. My younger son is very upset, as this guy is one of his best buddies over there. If we get access to a GoFundMe or something, I’ll be sure to post it. 

    I was introduced to this video today https://youtu.be/NVGuFdX5guE — it’s from CCP Grey, who. I watch occasionally, but hadn’t seen this one. It’s neat. 

    I added a new page to my blahg today: https://dereksblahg.net/subscribe/
    We watched the first episode of Star Trek: Picard this evening. Intriguing. 

    (Visited 33 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Family, Friends, Health, Me, Technology, Work | No Comments »


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