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    TV, Work, Instant Pot, RackerGamers, Family

    By Derek | February 7, 2020

    A great Friday. (7th)

    Exercised first thing, still watching Knights of Sidonia. They’re basically half-hour episodes, so I watch one while I pedal my recumbent bike. Actually, they’re 22 minute episodes, so I still need to run at least one Looney Tunes cartoon to finish my half-hour. 

    Regular work day for me. Pretty relaxed day at work, everyone was in good form. Got some good work done on my primary product. 

    Got some new Instant Pot recipes from my sister over our family’s Slack channel this afternoon. One of them was a Mississippi Pot Roast that sounds amazing. 

    I noticed a URL address error on the RackerGamers business cards, so we’re re-ordering them. 

    Left work a bit early to go watch our younger son test for his next rank in his martial arts class. He did really well, and earned a red stripe for his current blue belt. 

    Came home and ate Instant Pot leftovers from last night. It’s also what I had for lunch, but it was super yummy. 

    Kicked back and watched Grosse Pointe Blank with Jill while our younger son played for a bit on his computer. 

    (Visited 70 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Health, Me, Movies, RackerGamers, TV, Work | No Comments »


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