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    Sick, TV

    By Derek | February 11, 2020

    An ok Tuesday. (11th) 

    Yesterday was a blur. I ended up with the flu, started getting sick on Saturday and it got worse from there. Sunday wasn’t too bad but Monday was awful. 

    Mostly laid around today, still recovering. Called my boss and told him I wouldn’t be in tomorrow, and maybe Thursday. 

    Finished up Knights of Sidonia season 1. Started season 2. 

    Watched a few episodes of The Punisher

    Finished watching The Witcher season 1 with Jill. Really good show, we can’t wait for more episodes. We also watched some of the Extra stuff that came with the show, pretty neat, Henry Cavill does a reading of one of the first Witcher books, and it’s pretty cool.

    (Visited 29 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Health, Me, TV | No Comments »


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