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    Work, YT, Bump, Dinner, TV

    By Derek | February 28, 2020

    A Decent Friday. (28th)

    Regular work day for me. Very productive day. Helped quite a bit with a DC migration. 

    Discovered Gangnam Style (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli) and Bee Gees music over North Korean marching

    After work, Jill and our younger son and I left the house to pick up our older son and his wife, so they could join us for my birthday dinner. I had decided to eat at Salsalito’s Mexican, so we drove there. 

    On the way there, while parked at a stop light, the lady behind us bumped Jill’s car. We pulled into a little convenience store parking lot to exchange information. It took some doing, but we finally got her ID information. She was acting very strange, and kept insisting that she “hadn’t done anything” — like she didn’t remember hitting our car. It was a very weird situation, luckily I had captured her license plate, and a photo of her, because she ended up driving off without giving us her insurance information. Not sure what to do, we ended up calling the San Antonio Police Department non-emergency number and waiting for a cop to show up. The way she was acting, it seemed like she was uninsured. He told us that as long as she identified herself (she had provided a picture of her ID to Jill) that everything was cool, and he gave us a police report, which included her insurance info and everything.

    So, that took about an hour out of our evening, but we finally made it to the restaurant, and had a good dinner. 

    Once we got home, we watched a few episodes of Phineas and Ferb while I exercised, then we went to bed. 

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