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    Slept, TV, Frito Pie, Star Citizen

    By Derek | March 17, 2020

    A green Tuesday. (17th)

    Slept in a bit.

    Got up and did my exercise. Watched a couple of episodes of Knights of Sidonia while I pedaled.

    Jill, our younger son and I went to our local BBQ place for lunch, I actually ordered the Frito Pie.

    Came back home, we had already decided to cancel all activities at our house this week.

    Played some Star Citizen with my younger son. We ended up hanging out with a guy from my org ( Synchronizerz https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/SYNCH ) and did some exploring in his Carrack.

    Found this cool Lego Carrack online.

    Become a Star Citizen and get 5,000 free Credits


    Stayed up too late, though.

    (Visited 31 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Games, Health, Me, Star Citizen, TV | No Comments »


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