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Work, iPad, Movie
By Derek | April 4, 2020
A good Saturday. (4th)
Regular work day for me. I do have that free PTO day coming up next Wednesday, so that will give me a little bit of extra weekend. Just been feeling kind of blah, lately. Felt pretty good yesterday digging into the internals of my primary product, but still haven’t been able to solve the issue.
Exercised after work.
I walked my dad through buying a new iPad Pro today, including AppleCare+, an Apple Pencil, and a Smart Keyboard Folio. He should get it around the 25th. I made sure to recommend that he get a cell chip included. I made the mistake of not getting the cell chip with my last iPad, and I regret it. Essentially, I almost never take it out of the house, since hooking it up to hotspot is a pain. Also, AT&T only charges us $10/month for an iPad on our data plan.
Watched Bad Boys II with Jill.
Topics: Entertainment, Family, Health, Me, Movies, Work | No Comments »
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