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Work, Documentary, Explore, Dinner, Movies
By Derek | April 24, 2020
A good Friday. (24th)
Regular workday for me. Had to deal with two “emergencies” right off the bat when I walked it. By 4pm, I was exhausted.
Watched the documentary The Need to Grow with Jill. Seems pretty topical right now, with food shortages about to hit hard.
One of my Star Citizen guild mates posted an exploration guide to the Stanton System.

I’ll have to log on at some point and see if I can do it all.
For dinner we went out to Chik-Fil-A, but their drive through line was super, super long, so we ended up getting dinner at Freddy’s.
We came home and Jill and I watched The Banger Sisters, then Once Upon A Time… in Hollywood. Tarantino doesn’t disappoint.
Bed time.
Topics: Entertainment, Family, Games, Me, Movies, Photos, Star Citizen, Work | No Comments »
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