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    Work, TV, Martial Arts, iPad

    By Derek | May 7, 2020

    A good Thursday. (7th)

    Regular work day.

    Finished Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger, season 1. 

    Our younger son did his martial arts via Zoom again, today. I think Texas is going to allow “gyms” to open soon, though. 

    We left the house to take our older son to work. 

    Once back, I watched the second part of 10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki. This is four part documentary, and it’s very interesting, but also moves pretty slowly. It’s in English, but Miyazaki himself speaks only Japanese, so there are subtitles, too. It’s difficult to watch while multi-tasking, but Im enjoying it.

    I worked in my office a bit. We have an original iPad 1 that I tried to Jailbreak a while back, and that made it non-functional, mostly, I think, because the Cydia stuff seems to be shut down. Anyway, I restored it tonight, and set it back up for what it was doing before, running as a photo frame. 

    iPad 1

    Yep, it’s ~10 years old, and doesn’t do much, but it will still connect to iCloud, sync down my favorite photos on a regular basis, and display them as a photo frame. I ordered a new Griffin stand (off eBay, they’re discontinued) and it came in today, so I was motivated to get it set the iPad back up. Now I just have to decide where to place it. The stand is designed so that the power cord (30-pin) can be “hidden” while it’s running, as long as the iPad is in portrait mode. 

    Griffin iPad Stand

    Time for bed. 

    (Visited 205 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Apple, Entertainment, Family, Me, Technology, TV, Work | No Comments »


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