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    TV, Game, Duolingo, Health, Star Citizen, Furniture

    By Derek | May 17, 2020

    I decided to change it up a bit with my posting, some days are less exciting, and I don’t want to waste my reader’s time, so I’m going to write in my journal every day, but post every few days when there’s something interesting to post.

    Wednesday. (13th)

    Regular work day. Everything went well, and we got some good stuff accomplished.

    Watched an episode of Knight Rider with our younger son.

    Exercised after taking our older son to work.

    After taking our older son home, I played a little more of Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition, then we went to bed.

    Thursday (14th) & Friday. (15th)

    Regular work days for me. Not much exciting going on. Stayed on top of my Duolingo and exercising, though.

    Saturday. (16th)

    Took the day off today, for a rocket launch, which got cancelled due to Covid. So, we slept in.

    Taking the day off worked out, though, ’cause some friends of ours were having a baby shower this afternoon, so we went down to their property, and hung out for several hours.

    After we got back from their place, I played some Star Citizen until past my bedtime.

    Become a Star Citizen and get 5,000 free Credits https://robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist?referral=STAR-H4F3-KZZH

    There is a “free fly” event coming up — if you get an account made, and get the game installed, you’ll be able to try out some ships without purchasing any, or a game package. Click my link above if you haven’t made an account yet.

    Sunday. (17th)

    Slept in, but exercised first thing. Today is my 40th day in a row for Duolingo.

    40 Days Streak of Duolingo

    Yo hablo Espanol! Well, I’m learning, anyway. I took a few years of Spanish in high school, but honestly, without the regular practice before now, I don’t remember much. Duolingo seems to be working, though.

    We finally moved our new (very heavy) nightstands upstairs.

    New (to us) nightstands

    Took Jill to get her pedicure, the salon just opened yesterday. You don’t exactly need an appointment, but they have a waiting list that you can get on through their website. After we ate lunch, we tried Shake Shack, we sat in the car for two hours, since the inside waiting room is closed.

    She got out just in time for us to leave and take our older son to work.

    After we took him home, I played a bit more Star Citizen before bed. 

    (Visited 211 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Friends, Games, Health, Me, Photos, Star Citizen, TV, Work | No Comments »


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