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    Burgers, Movies, LEDs, Produce, Acura, Star Citizen, Health, Work, Games, Garden, Friends

    By Derek | June 2, 2020

    Monday. (25th)

    Slept in way late again. Got up to take our older son to an appointment, only to find out that, of course, they were closed today, being a holiday, despite the fact that it was scheduled for today. 

    Played a little Pokémon while we were out, when we got back I exercised first thing. 

    We left again to go get lunch, ended up eating at Biff Buzby’s. Jill and I split a half-pound burger and some onion rings. Then we had cobbler with ice cream. 

    Came back home to watch a movie. I picked out Tristan & Isolde, which we hadn’t seen before. 

    We got part way through it before we had to take our older son to work. They had the day off yesterday, so naturally, the work piled up for them. We didn’t stay and chat, so they could get started and hopefully finish before tonight’s storm came. 

    Came home and finished the movie, then ate some quick dinner and watched Life As We Know It

    Added some blue LEDs to the bottom of my monitor. Bought them on Amazon for $6, they are USB powered. (pic) 

    Blue LEDs

    Tuesday. (26th)

    Got up earlier than we have been. 

    Headed out first thing to take our older son to the appointment that was scheduled for yesterday. 

    While we were downtown, we swung by River City Produce and picked up a few items for ourselves, and our friend who runs the BBQ joint.

    On our way back, we dropped off our older son, the produce delivery, then had lunch. I had the Frito Pie, and so did our younger son. Jill had just brisket and salad. 

    After lunch, we took Jill’s stepmom a Frito pie as well, then ran across town to Gunn Acura to get a service done on Jill’s MDX. We camped out in their waiting room for a couple of hours. Our younger son played on his iPad, Jill kept up with the news, while I colored some pics on Jill’s iPad. We also played a little Pokémon while we were there. 

    Got home in time to take our older son to work. 

    Came home to watch Class Dismissed with Jill, while I exercised.

    Ordered pizza for dinner, philly steak, sausage, onions and extra cheese, plus Asiago cheese. It showed up during my exercise, so we took a break to eat, then I finished my exercise. 

    The movie wasn’t quite over when our older son was done with work, so we ran to take him home, then came back to finish our movie. 

    Once the movie finished, our younger son and I fired up Star Citizen for a bit, but we didn’t play long, since both of us were over tired from the day.

    Become a Star Citizen and get 5,000 free Credits https://robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist?referral=STAR-H4F3-KZZH

    Time for bed. 

    Wednesday. (27th)

    Regular work day for me. Meeting day, plus all hands global meeting.
    Watched Wrinkle in Time.

    Took our older son to work, then back home.

    Time for bed. 

    Thursday. (28th)

    Regular work day for me. Got quite a bit accomplished. Worked with a co-worker to roll out a new alert that he wrote to our dashboard, so that we can track some containers with out of date software, and correct the issues. The containers are supposedly set up to upgrade certain components on their own, but have not been, for various reasons. This new check well allow us to find and correct them, as well as document and correct the underlying issues. 

    Started watching Starsky and Hutch

    Our younger son did his martial arts class over Zoom, still. They are re-opening the dojo next week, but they have little squares on the floor for the kids to stand in. We’re going to try going back, and see how it is. 

    After work, took our older son and his wife out to dinner for his birthday. We went to Chili’s and had Southwest Eggrolls. Man, those are good. 

    Came home and exercised, I hadn’t had a chance to do that yet. We’re still watching episodes of Phineas and Ferb while I exercise. 

    Bought and played a little bit of Minecraft Dungeons before bed. It’s only $20 on Switch, although it looks like there’s some DLC that I can get. 

    Friday. (29th)

    Regular work day for me. 

    One of the Rackers in our work Slack had everyone throw their names in for a random drawing of a free pizza. He then had it ordered and delivered to the Racker. That was pretty cool. 

    Watched Superman with the family. It’s cheesy in a good way. 

    Finished watching Starsky and Hutch. 

    Watched Bad Boys for Life. A friend of ours said he really hated it, but I thought it was decent. 

    Jill made hamburgers this evening for dinner. Fresh arugula from the garden, onion, pickle slices, and some wonderful cheddar cheese to go on them. She also made the hamburger meat with some shredded zucchini. Yummy. There’s even a patty left for me for lunch tomorrow. Sorry, I forgot to take a picture. 

    Saturday. (30th)

    Regular work day for me, got quite a bit done, working on migrating instances around in one of our regions. 

    Watched Scoob! with the family before bed. 

    Sunday. (31st)

    Today our friend David came over to visit, and play games. We ended up ordering pizza for lunch after he got here, and then played Stellaris until he had to leave. 

    Jill took our older son to work, then we all went together later to take him home.

    Monday. (June 1st)

    Slept in a bit this morning. 

    Jill and her sister made a trip to River City Produce this morning, then we left to go meet a friend for lunch at Don Pedro’s. 

    After lunch, I headed out with our friend to do some computer & networking work at his small business, and Jill headed back home to run some errands. 

    Worked until evening, then Jill came to pick me up, and we headed home.

    We just kind of hung out and talked about current events, and what’s going on in the world. 

    Tuesday. (2nd)

    Worked a non-standard day this week to perform our latest code release (deployment) for the product I work on. As I’ve moved to the  engineering team, officially as of yesterday, I’ll be doing more of these types of tasks as they need done.

    We started around noon, and finished up a bit after midnight, with all six regions that we support.

    Jill brought me Frito Pie from our favorite BBQ joint, but I was effectively on the computer all day. Our younger son got to go to martial arts physically today for the first time since the house arrest started. He said he enjoyed being back, even with the restrictions they have put on the kids. Everyone in their own box on the floor (at least six feet apart), smaller class sizes, shorter classes, no using their potty, sanitize before going in, and only one person in at a time until they reach their assigned spot. 

    Jill also had to both take our older son to work, and pick him up without me this evening, usually I like to go, especially in the evening, but I just didn’t have a chance to break away. 

    I did finally get to take a break around 10pm to get my exercise done. While I was exercising, I did my Duolingo for the day… still working on that, up to a 56 day streak now. 

    Time for bed. 

    (Visited 227 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Auto, Entertainment, Family, Food, Friends, Games, Health, Me, Microsoft, Movies, Photos, Star Citizen, Technology, Work | No Comments »


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