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    4e DnD, Third-Party Character Sheets.

    By Derek | July 26, 2008

    I found some great third-party 4e character sheets on the web. You can get them from here:

    Of course, you’ll have to have an account there to download them.

    Otherwise you can download them directly from here:
    Character-Sheet-4e-Shado-1.2.zip 1.8MB Zip

    I have also created a Role Playing Sheet using Shado’s style. My created sheet includes Character Background / Appearance / Personality & Portrait slots.
    Character-Sheet-4e-ShadoStyle-RP-1.0.pdf 1.0MB PDF

    If you’d like the source file for it, and you have a Mac with iWork, drop me a line, and I’ll shoot you over the Pages file the PDF is based on. I added text boxes to it, so that you could type in your character’s info. I don’t expect this page changes much throughout your character’s career… well, at least not *every* week.

    (Visited 54 times, 1 visits today)

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