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    Stayed Home Today

    By Derek | August 12, 2008

    Last night I had sharp pains in my abdomen, on the lower right side.

    Jill and I were thinking it was my appendix, so we went to the Texas Med Clinic.

    The doctor informed us that if it was my appendix, I would know soon enough, but that there weren’t any real tests, other than an expensive CAT scan that would tell us.

    He also declined to charge us anything for our visit!!

    Basically, he said to keep an eye on it for a couple of days, and eat light.

    During the night, I had almost a 102 degree fever, but when I woke up I was feeling much better.

    So today, I stayed home from work, and ate soup. It still hurts a little, but I can move around much better now.

    Time will tell, I suppose. I mean, if my appendix bursts, according to the doctor, I’ll know it by the excruciating pain.

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