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    Of speeding fines

    By Derek | October 25, 2010

    So, this morning I had a spirited discussion, that is to say, debate with several of my fellows on the topic of speeding fines.

    One gentleman was adamant that “everyone speeds, so when it’s your turn to pay up, you just do it”… and that by choosing not to pay, I was instead destroying the fabric of civilization.

    First of all, I wasn’t the one who got the ticket, in this case, but that’s irrelevant. I do my level damndest to pay the police state as little as possible when I do get pulled over. In fact, my M.O. is to hire a lawyer, and have him plead my case on my behalf.

    Second, if everyone does it… no, really. Stay with me here. Is breaking the law morally right? You say no? Tell that to Rosa Parks.

    Third, it used to be, in society, that we required there to be a victim in order to prosecute. In the case of speeding, tell me, where is the victim? We’re not talking here of agressive or reckless driving, but of the simple casual speeding “that everyone does”.

    Civil disobediance, then, of a victimless “crime”?

    Guilty as charged.

    (Visited 29 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Auto, Law, Me | 1 Comment »

    One Response to “Of speeding fines”

    1. Tweets that mention Of speeding fines | DereksBlahg.net -- Topsy.com Says:
      October 25th, 2010 at 19:57

      […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Marilyn Morehouse, DerekMoyes. DerekMoyes said: New post on my blahg. Of speeding fines http://t.co/NMdk46Y via @AddThis […]


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