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    Of 2am Showers

    By Derek | November 28, 2010

    And now I know the truth. I won’t vomit when vomited on.

    My 2yo vomited for the first time today. I don’t mean spit up — all babies do that — I mean blew chunks. We were driving after lunch, and he got sick in the car.

    He’d gone the rest of the day with no further incidents.

    But, just as I went to hug him goodnight, with him sitting in my lap, he vomited again. I could not think of what to do, even though the bathtub is mere feet away in our bathroom.

    Pro tip: Don’t grab a towel, you’ll just have to clean it too.

    Pro tip #2: if your child was sick earlier, and he belches and it smells really bad, run, don’t walk to the toilet or tub.

    Jill’s off to get some Sprite, so we can make sure he’s not dehydrated.


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