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    Work, Disenchantment, Exercise

    By Derek | September 26, 2019

    A good Thursday. (26th)

    Regular work day for me. Working my primary project. 

    Had dinner out with some friends that just moved back to town. 

    Watched a few episodes of Agents of Shield season 3, then discovered Matt Groening’s Disenchantment. So of course I watched a couple of episodes of that. 

    I did my first full 30 minutes on the recumbent bike since July 22nd, since my doctor cleared me yesterday for exercise, driving, etc. I also was lifting two 3 lb. weights, one in each hand, while biking. I wasn’t able to pump the weights for more than a few minutes at a time. It felt good, but I was tired afterwards.

    I should be starting physical therapy on the 2nd. Should be good stuff. 

    (Visited 36 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Food, Health, TV, Work | No Comments »


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