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    Work, RackerGamers, Star Citizen

    By Derek | October 3, 2019

    A good Thursday. (3rd)

    Regular workday for me.

    Ran the RackerGamers t-shirt and merch table during lunch. We did well. We’ll be running the table every Tuesday and Thursday between now and Game Day, Nov 2nd. 

    Also discussed having a couple more RackerGamers board meetings before the event.

    Played some Star Citizen, since PTU 3.7 Wave One came out. Made a few highlights. The first one is a bit long, the next few are shorter, and show off some of the new features of the new patch.

    PT again tomorrow.

    (Visited 25 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Games, Health, Me, RackerGamers, Star Citizen, Work | No Comments »


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