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    Swagger, TV, TFL

    By Derek | October 11, 2019

    A good Friday. (11th)

    Woke up late, since we went to bed so late from our ER trip. 

    Got to work immediately (WFH) so I jumped on and started working my secondary/documentation project. Got to learn about how API docs are made and work with swagger.io.

    Watched some Agent Carter. I’m about ½ done with season 2.

    Jill picked up all the meds I was prescribed last night, I’ll be taking those for a few days until this kidney stone can pass. 

    Luckily, no pain today. 

    Downloaded Tales From the Loop RPG, from DriveThru, they’re giving it away today. Read a bit of it before bed, it seems pretty neat. 

    (Visited 31 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Games, Health, Me, TV, Work | No Comments »


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