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    Work, PT, Computer

    By Derek | October 18, 2019

    A good Friday. (18th)

    Exercised first thing this morning. It feels better. 

    Worked today a bit before I had to go physical therapy. 

    They exhausted me at PT. I worked out harder than I had before. I actually got a little light headed at the end, likely due to not having eaten lunch yet. 

    So, I stopped as Las Palapas on the way home to grab lunch. 

    Once back, I worked on my primary project. I got two hosts ready for tomorrow. 

    Watched a couple of episodes of Agents of Shield, season 4. 

    After work, I worked on setting up my younger son’s new(er) computer. It’s not new, it’s mostly assembled from parts I’ve upgraded, but it’s still a pretty good upgrade for him. i3 => i5, 6G RAM => 16G, and an SSD. He had a spinny disk before. I think I still need to add a larger spinny disk, since the SSD is only 250G and it’s already getting full, just loading the games he has. Most of his games are older & smaller, but some of the newer games are quite a bit larger. 

    (Visited 38 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Health, Me, Microsoft, Technology, TV, Work | No Comments »


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