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    Dr, Work, RackerGamers

    By Derek | October 23, 2019

    Had a follow up with my surgeon this morning. They did an Xray and he said that everything looks healing normally, and that my cut should be healed enough that I can swim now, if I wanted to. Of course, that season has passed.

    Regular work day for me. Working my primary project the first half of the day, then supposed to work my secondary project the second half, but today our group had a potluck to celebrate Octoberfest. There was some good stuff there. 

    Got home and setup for RackerGamers meeting. We are close to Game Day, so we have one this week, and one next week for final preparations. 

    Exercised late tonight. Exhausted. 

    (Visited 37 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Food, Friends, Health, Me, RackerGamers, Work | No Comments »


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