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    Breakfast, Family, Star Citizen

    By Derek | November 30, 2019

    A good Saturday. (30th)

    Exercised first thing this morning.

    Went to breakfast at IHOP with my parents, and my brother’s widow, her 3 youngest kids, and one of her older ones and his wife and kid. It was a great time.

    Came back to the house, and played some Star Citizen.

    Become a Star Citizen @RobertsSpaceInd and get 5,000 free Credits,
    use my referral code!

    I don’t often have Saturdays off, so I was able to take advantage and play during an event that my org Synchronizerz was hosting. We had a scavenger hunt, in the Stanton system, and I came in either 5th or 6th place, out of about 30 people who started. There were only 2 prizes, though. This was the second annual scavenger hunt. 

    Worked on some computers remotely for a couple of customers of mine, then watched a movie with Jill. My younger son played Minecraft on his computer with a friend of his on our server. 

    Worked on a couple more computers, before bed. 

    (Visited 28 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Friends, Games, Health, Me, Microsoft, Movies, Star Citizen, Technology | No Comments »


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