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    Work, PT, Star Trek, Travelers

    By Derek | December 4, 2019

    A good Wednesday. (4th) 

    Regular workday for me. 

    Physical therapy first thing. So tiring. Good, but tiring. 

    Worked on catching up on email for the first half of today, then worked on my secondary (documentation) project. Good stuff. 

    Found out the DC Fontana passed away today. Sad. 

    Had a great lunch, my wife brought me food at work. Yum.

    After work, we played a bit of Pokémon Go, and then made a concerted attempt to locate some unfortunate travelers who might need some help. We located two, both were very grateful for our help. 

    (Visited 39 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Games, Health, Me, Work | No Comments »


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