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    Lunch, Airport, Robotics, Movie

    By Derek | December 3, 2019

    A good Tuesday. (3rd)

    Exercised this morning. 

    Crazy Tuesday, as normal. 

    Lunch was BBQ Frito Pie, then I took my parents to the airport. Their trip is over and they have to head home. We didn’t have anything super special planned out, no real trips or anything besides the Johnson City lighting, but we got to spend time together. It was nice having them here for a few days.

    We had a full house for robotics today, that was great. The middle school team made some good progress on their robot. Our competition is only a couple of weeks away. We also planned for the teams to come back tomorrow and get some more work in. Once a week isn’t really enough close to competition. 

    Our younger son had martial arts, then I watched a movie with Jill, then time for bed. 

    (Visited 32 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Me, Robotics, Technology | No Comments »


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