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    Health, BBQ, Robotics, RackerGamers

    By Derek | February 4, 2020

    Busy Tuesday. (4th) 

    Got up early to exercise, got a call yesterday from a potential new customer, so I called him back only to get his voicemail. 

    Our normal Tuesday, BBQ Frito Pie, Robotics, martial arts. 

    I did get a call back and scheduled with my new customer. 

    RackerGamers business cards came in today.

    Jill and I took our older son to work, watched part of a movie, then picked him up and took him home, then finished our movie. 

    (Visited 32 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Food, Health, Me, Movies, Photos, RackerGamers | No Comments »


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