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    Health, Work, Blog, Shopping, Snow

    By Derek | February 5, 2020

    A good Wednesday. (5th)

    Got up and exercised, first thing. Still watching Knights of Sidonia. 

    Regular work day for me.

    My blog post was published today, yay! MySQL vs. MariaDB: Choosing one based on your needs.

    Worked on my secondary documentation project today, we’re supposed to be spinning up a blog of some sort, for posts like the one above. 

    Jill and I and our younger son took our older son to work, then went to Target and HEB shopping for ingredients for another couple of Instant Pot recipes that I want to make. Details on those coming up.

    While we were in HEB, it started snowing. Like literal snow, but not enough to stick. We left HEB, and went to pick up our older son from work, and then headed home. 

    (Visited 50 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Entertainment, Family, Health, Me, TV, Work | No Comments »


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