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    Health, TV, DSi, Instant Pot

    By Derek | February 6, 2020

    A great Thursday. (6th)

    Exercised first thing, watched Knight of Sidonia.

    My car windshield had “snow flurries” on it still from last night. Drove to work.

    “Snow” flurries?

    Regular work day for me, working my secondary documentation project. 

    One of my co-workers is leaving to work for another company. She brought in a bunch of cool stuff to give away. I ended up with another DSi, some Wii/WiiU games, a couple of GameCube games, and an AMD gaming computer that’s a few years old. If this DSi works out for my younger son, he’ll move his data and we’ll bring in the other one he was given to give away. 

    Ran our older son to work.

    Got home and Jill and I made Instant Pot Sausage and Spinach Spaghetti together. Very yummy. I’m loving this Instant Pot thingy.

    Instant Pot Sausage and Spinach Spaghetti

    Picked up our older son from work, then played around with the couple of the new GameCube games before bed, while I moved our younger son’s data over to the newer DSi.

    (Visited 37 times, 1 visits today)

    Topics: Auto, Entertainment, Family, Food, Friends, Games, Health, Me, Nintendo, Photos, Technology, TV, Work | No Comments »


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